Upcoming Lent Services and Events:
Sunday, March 30 @ 10:30 am - "Living Woke"
Fourth Sunday of Lent - Waking up to Safe Housing w/ Guest Speaker Acacia Gin
Sunday, April 6 @ 10:30 am - "Living Woke"
Fifth Sunday of Lent - Waking up to Freedom led by Noam Greene
Sunday, April 13 @ 10:30 am - Palm Sunday / Domingo de Ramos
Community Palm Sunday Worship at Humboldt Park UMC, 2120 N. Mozart
Occupy Palm Sunday Justice March @ 11:30 am
Community Lunch @ 12:30 pm
Ongoing Services & Ministries
Bilingual Worship Service - 10:30 am each Sunday
As a bilingual/multi-cultural congregation, we express our worship of God each Sunday through music, praise, Scripture, responses, prayer, and regular celebration of the Eucharist. Our worship style reflects our diverse cultural and religious traditions. Songs are sung in Spanish, English or both. On the first Sunday of the month, we "make our own Sunday" where members share their wisdom, talents and spiritual gifts to encourage one another. The last Sunday of the month we practice "Lectio Divina." Other Sundays, we take worship outdoors to the Oasis or we do worship "field trips" to connect with nature or our community partners.
STAY ALIVE - 10:00 am every Thursday morning.
This Bible study, prayer and support group meets online each week. 'STAY ALIVE' is conducted in English.
"Community Dinners" Partnership
We support food distribution through Community Dinners—meals served "take-out" at St. Nicolai United Church of Christ, 3000 N. Kedzie Ave. each Thursday at 12:00 pm. Once a month, a pop-up pantry is held at the same location. We purchase items for the pantry each month.
Oasis Garden
Come to the Oasis during daylight hours to enjoy a time of personal refreshment and spiritual renewal. For information about gardening at the Oasis, contact the church.